Logic Models: A Tool for Program Planning and Assessment

A logic model is a graphic representation to describe a program that shows the linkages between what the program does (the input and outputs) and the expected results (outcomes) related to a specific problem or situation. The model identifies the following elements related to the problem or situation:

  • Inputs: What are the resources, contributions, investments that go into the program?
  • Outputs: What are the activities, services, events, and products that reach people who participate or who are targeted?
  • Outcomes/Impacts: What are the desired results or changes for individuals, groups, communities, organizations, communities, or systems?
  • Assumptions: What are the beliefs we have about the program, the people involved, and the context and the way we think the program will work?
  • External factors: What is the environment in which the program exists, including a variety of external factors that interact with and influence the program action?

Building the logic model begins by identifying the situation or problem to be addressed; for example, looking at the needs and assets; symptoms versus problems; the level of stakeholder involvement; the intended outcomes.

A typical logical model template:

For detailed information on preparing a logic model and access to a workbook and Powerpoint presentation, visit the University of Wisconsin Extension’s Program Development and Evaluation website at  http://www.uwex.edu/ces/pdande/evaluation/evallogicmodel.html.